Tuesday, February 2, 2010

God Said...

So I am going to try and put into words how God has been speaking to me today. It has been totally amazing. God said to be still and I would hear his voice. I have really been trying to focus on hearing God and being able to just block out everything else. I have been praying that God would give me revelation this week and that I would have peace and clarity about the next steps of my life, and for mine and Rob's family (the four of us :))

pampered chef party:
I had RSVP'd to a party several days before I decided that I wanted to fast and really dig in and focus on hearing from God. I got an email an hour before the party telling me to "bring my appetite" and I seriously comtemplated not going because of it. But I decided that I had to go I told the hostess I would be there and on top of that I didn't have her number to call and say that I couldn't make it at the last minute. She was expecting me, and I wasn't going to be a no show... that is rude! So I was praying on the way over that God would help me through and that I would have the right words to say if food were offered to me without blasting to the whole group that I was fasting... seemed a little pharasitical to let everyone know. So I had a statement prepared "I'm good thank you, but I would love a drink!". Well I walked in and it was an interactive party meaning I was going to be helping cook, and it was one of my FAVORITE meals... chicken fajitas and chips and salsa. I love me some mexican. But it was amazing food was offered to everyone as a general offer so I didn't need to say a word I just didn't fix a plate and no one said a word to me like "aren't you going to eat?" or anything. Total God thing. As I was standing there I smelled all the things that were my favorite foods and I felt a total sense of peace come over me and the statement in my ears... "This smell, this momentary satisfaction of taste, DOESN'T even come close to comparing to the SWEET SOUND of my SAVIORS VOICE" WOW. I'm blown away. Thank you God for showing up and helping me to be where you wanted me to be and to learn the lesson that you wanted me to learn.

I was praying specifically for guidance and direction and I was avoiding coming home because I was struggling with some thoughts and didn't want to be alone with them. Well I tried to visit a few friends to no avail and ended up heading back home. I began cleaning my kitchen, as Jennah slept in her car seat, and started playing some Hillsong United. I suddenly was moved to tears by the words of a song I didn't even realize I had. "Give all you are to seek my face". The night before I had been sitting quietly just waiting to hear from God, and I heard Him say "sit quietly with me and you will hear me", and "my sheep hear my voice". So here I go God, I want to give you all I am and seek you will everything I am, with all my heart! Because NOTHING compares to the sweet sound of my saviors voice! Nothing!

1 comment:

t said...

Glad your listening is paying off... We get so busy it's often impossible to hear anything in life. I have to try and intentionaly isolate myself at times and be still.