Friday, November 18, 2011


November is generally a month where we reflect about the things in our lives that we are thankful for. It's a good time to stop and think about the previous year and how it's affected your life (good or bad). Can you tell me what is something that has happened to you over the last year that you didn't expect to be thankful for? For me, I would say Celiac Disease. Not something most would expect someone to say, right? Well, it's because of my diagnosis, we were able to figure out our beautiful daughter Kaylie's issues were because of gluten. It's because of my diagnosis that I have really began to research food, and stuff that is referred to as "food" but really isn't. I have learned that the perimeter of the grocery store is awesome, and i've also started to actually use spices and cook from scratch. Our household eats MUCH healthier. I've also started working out more (because it helps me to feel better all the way around). I am also thankful because of the road blocks I encountered with GI doctors and the medical field because it challenged me to seek out other options. I refused to accept the comments of my GI doctor that I would just need to use drugs to manage my symptoms and I sought God through MUCH prayer that He would guide our family to a doctor that would be interested in helping us get to the source of our health issues and not just treat the symptoms. We were then directed to a doctor who did care! and we are MUCH better for it! Anyway, through a lot of ups and downs I am thankful!

1 comment:

Todd and Elizabeth said...

AGREED!!!! I feel the same way - thankful for my health, answers, and a healthier lifestyle all around! Happy Thanksgiving :)