Wednesday, April 17, 2013


So, we have started a new lifestyle in our home.  We are transitioning everyone to the SCD/GAPS diet to work on improving our overall health.  This all came about due to a diagnosis of SIBO (small intestine bacteria overgrowth).  Visit for more information.  While reading through this site I realized that diet was the most important part of recovery.  So I will be following this diet as well continuing to receive AAT (advanced allergy therapeutics) treatments for my food sensitivities, as well as natural antibiotics like (garlic, oregano oil, peppermint oil).  My goal is to avoid traditional antibiotics because they just destroy your gut and should only be used when absolutely necessary.  I am not totally against them, but overuse of them has and is causing major problems.  I will also be adding in probiotics and fermented foods!  So keep watching for the updates and hopefully others struggling with gut issues will find some encouragement.

I will also be posting recipes that my family enjoys!

Good Reads:
Breaking the Vicious Cycle (Elaine Gotchall)
GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) (Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride)
Body Ecology (Donna Gates)

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